Life Extension Foundation täyttää tänä vuonna 25 vuotta. William Faloon muistelee, millaista oli silloin, kun hän ja Saul Kent aloittivat vuonna 1980: media kohteli kaltoin, hallitus hyökkäsi toimitiloihin ja vankilareissutkin tulivat tutuiksi.
What we were ridiculed for in 1980 is now accepted as scientific fact — that is, humans can take steps to significantly reduce the deleterious effects of normal aging. Dozens of companies have raised billions of dollars to develop validated anti-aging drugs. Anti-aging doctors have formed and joined their own medical associations. The federal government now recommends some of the healthy lifestyle changes, supplements, and drugs that we were vilified for advocating in the 1980s.
When reporting on so-called "new" anti-aging breakthroughs, the news media continues to make some technical mistakes. To ensure so-called "balanced" reporting, the media finds scientists who criticize the concept of anti-aging medicine, even though these scientists often do not know what they are attacking.
25 year track record
Miltä näyttää mediatilanne nykypäivänä? Fight Aging! –blogista löytyy pari uutisvideopätkää Aubrey de Greystä, Kevin Perrottista ja Methuselah Mouse Prizesta. Aubrey-pätkässä voi myös bongata yleisön joukosta sen miehen, joka harjaa jatkuvasti hampaitaan. Elokuvalainat ovat Cocoon-leffasta.
Bioethicists’ obsession with deliberations about the ethical issues and implications of brave new fantasy technologies like cloning may be a version of the well-known joke in which a person searches fruitlessly under a lamp post for keys lost a block away, because the light is strongest under the lamp post. - - If bioethics does not soon switch away from the lure of the easy, sexy, trivial subjects under the lamp post to the weighty dilemmas that face us today, then the field, like Century City, deserves to be cancelled.
- Slouching Toward Policy: Lazy Bioethics and the Perils of Science Fiction
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