
Prosthesis for a lost instinct - Proteesi voisi auttaa reagoimaan oikeisiin vaaroihin oikealla vakavuudella.

Electronic tattoo display runs on blood - Ihonalaisen näytön konsepti.

Obsolete Skills - Taitoja, joista tekniikan kehitys on tehnyt enimmäkseen turhia.

'Predictably Irrational': Keeping (too many) options open

Oikaisuja HS-raadin piratismikäsityksiin

As I tried to explain in the Guardian interview, the problem isn't that books are given away or that people read books they haven't paid for. The problem is that the majority of people don't read for pleasure.
- Neil Gaiman

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Bluetooth-synkronoidut jalkaproteesit:

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