
Oletusarvot kunniaan

Uutta kulttuuria yritetään taas estää vanhan kulttuurin takia. MPAA haluaa sulkea leffojen fanileikkauksia fanittavan Fanedit.orgin. Mutta Internet kiertää estot, fanieditit löytyvät aina jostakin.

The Effort Effect - Fundamental attribution error kohdistettuna itseen.
Students for whom performance is paramount want to look smart even if it means not learning a thing in the process. For them, each task is a challenge to their self-image, and each setback becomes a personal threat. So they pursue only activities at which they’re sure to shine—and avoid the sorts of experiences necessary to grow and flourish in any endeavor. Students with learning goals, on the other hand, take necessary risks and don’t worry about failure because each mistake becomes a chance to learn.
A Short Course in Behavioral Economics - Valinnanvapaus on hyvä, mutta liian suuri määrä vaihtoehtoja lannistaa eikä aina jaksa tehdä kunnon valintoja. Onneksi valintojen tekemisen voi ulkoistaa ammattilaisvalitsijoille. Huonojen vaihtoehtojen valintaa voi tehdä hankalammiksi ja hyvien vaihtoehtojen valintaa helpommaksi.
Who is a choice architect? Everyone in this room is a choice architect. Anyone who designs the environment in which you choose is a choice architect. If you go to a restaurant, there is a menu. Somebody thought about how to structure that menu. In many restaurants you have appetizers, then main courses. In some restaurants the main courses are divided into meat, fish and pasta. In others they are all mixed up. Sometimes they are arranged in order of price. Sometimes there is no apparent order. Everything we know about psychology tells us that all of those things matter. Everything matters. If you start with that as a premise, that everything matters, that all the tiny incidental features of the environment influence what people choose, then the choice architect has control of all of those features that can influence what people do. -- You have to pick something. There is no such thing as neutral choice architecture any more than there is neutral architecture.
Avioero 2.0 – syynä pettäminen virtuaalimaailmassa - Ja eräät kuulemma ottavat avioeron, koska kumppanin koneelta löytyy pornoa. Ne on musta naivia ihmisiä.

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