
Keinotekoista jäätä

Ben Best on the feasibility of cryonics at SENS3 - Munuaiset tuottavat virtsaa, aivot tuottavat tietoisuutta. Jäniksen munuainen on vitrifioitu, uudelleenlämmitetty ja siirretty toimivana takaisin jänikseen. Arvelen, että jäniksellä... *laittaa aurinkolasit* nousi kusi päähän. YEEEAAAHH

Cory Doctorow: Making Smarter Dumb Mistakes About the Future - Korporaatiofuturismia.
I don't know how to predict the future, and I never will. But I do know how not to predict it: don't stick to your boss's comfort zone by predicting that doing exactly what you're doing now is exactly the right thing to do forever.
The Jobs Of Yesteryear: Obsolete Occupations - Lector, Elevator Operator, Copy Boy, Pinsetter, River Driver, Iceman, Lamplighter, Milkman, Switchboard Operator, Typist In A Typist Pool, Typesetter, Telegraph Operator.
After 1900, when so-called artificial ice became generally accepted as safe...

A machine that prints organs is coming to market - Organovon 3D-bioprintteri, hinta noin $200,000.

Skinput: Appropriating the Body as an Input Surface - Sormiperkussionisteille.

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