
Toisen roska on toisen aarre

The man who can't get fat - Mies voi syödä mitä vain lihomatta, koska keho tuottaa kuusinkertaisen määrän insuliinia normaali-ihmiseen verrattuna.

Robots seen doing work of 3.5 million in Japan - Työvoimapula katoaa robottityövoimalla.

Is Content Worthless? - Rahan vuoksi teoksia tuottavat ammattilaiset katoavat ja jäljelle jäävät pakkomielteidensä vuoksi teoksia tuottavat folk-artistit ja outsider-artistit. Hyvä.

Solar Balloons: SunHope Renewable Energy - Aurinkopaneeleilla päällystettyjä heliumpalloja.

Can the Lifehacking Concept Help You Live Until the Singularity?

Scientists unveil revolutionary 'racetrack' computer memory

Newly Discovered Fundamental State Of Matter, A Superinsulator, Has Been Created

20 Percent of Scientists Admit Using Brain-Enhancing Drugs -- Do You?

Defining 'natural'
Respondents were asked to report on their non-medical use of drugs such as modafinil and methylphenidate to improve their concentration. These drugs can have mild effects, not all that different from caffeine (a natural substance) or other stimulants. But somehow the 'unnaturalness' of these drugs makes some people uneasy in a way that caffeine does not.

Drug that protects against radiation effects
The new drug, called "Protectan CBLB502, tested in mice and monkeys, protects radiation-blasted tissues by shutting down this cell death programme, which the body normally turns on in cells with damaged DNA to keep them from multiplying...

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