
Freesit postnaturistit

Michio Kaku A.V. Clubin haastattelussa
Science is the engine of prosperity. But you’d never know it, listening to some of these politicians. They’re lawyers and businessmen, not scientists. Lawyers and businessmen massage wealth; they don’t create it. And yet science is given almost no visibility in the media. If a Martian came down to Earth and watched television, he’d come to the conclusion that all the world’s society is based on Britney Spears and Paris Hilton. He’d be amazed that our society hasn’t collapsed.
All you need to jump start civilization - Menneisyydessä tästä olisi voinut olla apua.

Hondan tuoreita eksoskeletoneja - Kuin pari ylimääräisiä jalkoja jalkojen välissä.

To defame religion is a human right - Peter Singer.

Hello Van Gogh, Can You Hear Me Now? - Stelarc.
He only wants to transform his body into a portal on the Internet. Which is why visitors to Exit Art, a gallery in Midtown Manhattan, are being treated to a video of Stelarc’s left arm being cut up like a rare tenderloin to implant what will eventually be a Bluetooth-enabled artificial ear. Stelarc’s video is one the more grisly highlights of “Corpus Extremus (LIFE+),” an exhibit about the wonders and horrors of “PostNatural History,” and the ways in which technology is blurring the traditional notions of life, death and identity.
The other kind of smart - Tunneälyn järjestelmällistä kehittämistä.
What they call "social and emotional knowledge" - the ability to read other people, manage our own emotions, and thereby master social situations - doesn't have to be imparted solely through the cut and thrust of lived life. It can be taught, they say, just like trigonometry or French grammar. Psychologists are designing curricula that aim, step by step, to build up students' emotional knowledge: a typical teaching unit might include a role-playing exercise, or a set of diagrams breaking down the components of different facial expressions, or, in older children, a discussion of the subtle differences between disgust and contempt.

Is it fresh? - Kysykäämme miksi ruoka ei pysy tuoreena juuri niin pitkään kuin haluamme. Kasvisten ja hedelmien tulisi säilyä ikuisesti tuoreina. Pakastimet ja säilykepurkit ovat hyvä alku, mutta geeniteknologia meitä auttakoon, elintarvikkeiden pilaantumisesta on päästävä pysyvästi eroon.
Ancient cultures used preservative methods, such as salting and pickling, in order to extend the durability of produce for domestic use. Refrigeration delivered a paradigm shift by removing the site of production from the sight of consumers. -- The nascent advertising industry sold housewives a compelling vision of “nature made simple”, in which refrigeration and vacuum packing provided liberation from dirt and toil. But fears of technological advance persisted, particularly among the religious. Fridges meant left-overs and left-overs meant loose morals, said the Puritans. The small-farm lobby replied to the industrialists’ trumpeting of wants over needs by declaring the “moral superiority of meals prepared fresh”, as well as the health benefits. Freshness demanded the preservation of immemorial relationships between people, land and animals.

1 kommentti:

Anonyymi kirjoitti...

Hyvä kirja tunneälystä on esim. Daniel Golemanin "Tunneäly"

Sama kirjailija on kirjoittanut myös kirjan "Sosiaalinen äly", mutta se oli ainakin allekirjoittaneen mielestä tylsempi ja keskittyi turhan paljon viljelemään tieteellistä sanastoa kuin selittämään aihepiirinsä ilmiöitä havainnolisesti.

Hyviä kirjoja silti molemmat, suosittelen tutustumaan jos ei ole jo ennestään tuttuja.

- Loco kensai