The first important finding of the IAAF study is that during running at a given speed, Pistorius uses 25% less energy than the runners he was compared to. It suggests that the Cheetahs are far more efficient than the human limb. -- Secondly, the research found that the carbon-fibre Cheetahs returned energy during running at levels never seen before in the human ankle. -- The third key finding is that Pistorius, running with the Cheetahs, displayed a much lower vertical oscillation than the able-bodied runners during sprinting. -- The fourth key finding is that the amount of energy lost during the stance phase of running was only 9.3% with the Cheetahs, but was 41.4% in the human ankle/leg.Yksi mahdollisuus olisi ottaa käyttöön Harrison Bergeron -taktiikka ja lisätä tekojalkoihin painoja, jotta ne eivät olisi ihmisjalkoja parempia. Mutta se olisi tietysti tyhmää. Parempi idea olisi sijoittaa paraolympialaisten kehittämiseen ja katsoa normiurheilijoiden ilmeitä, kun tekojalkaiset rikkovat rutiininomaisesti heidän ennätyksiään.
Gradual Disempowerment: Simplified
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