Chimp who threw stones at zoo visitors showed human trait, says scientist - Santino on ruotsalainen simpanssi, jolla oli suunnitelma. Eläintarhan ollessa suljettuna se keräsi kiviä kasaan, odotti yleisön saapumista ja heitteli kiviä yleisöön. Jos kiviä ei löytynyt, se hakkasi nyrkillä palasia betonista. Badass chimp with an attitude. Lopulta Santino kastroitiin, jotta se lopettaisi. Se lopettikin, mutta toivottavasti uusi rauhallisuus on pelkkää näyttelemistä ja se kaivaa salassa pakotunnelia. Fight the power!
"We are not alone in the world within. There are other creatures who have this special consciousness that is said to be uniquely human."The Apologist and the Revolutionary - Kylmää vettä vasempaan korvaan sille, joka irrationaalisia ajattelee.
Anosognosia is the condition of not being aware of your own disabilities. -- For some reason, squirting cold water into the left ear canal wakes up the revolutionary. -- In any case, a patient who has been denying paralysis for weeks or months will, upon having cold water placed in the ear, admit to paralysis, admit to having been paralyzed the past few weeks or months, and express bewilderment at having ever denied such an obvious fact. And then the effect wears off, and the patient not only denies the paralysis but denies ever having admitted to it.
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