New Scientist
“It is not often that the audience at a scientific meeting gasps in amazement during a talk. But that is what happened recently when researchers revealed that they had deleted huge chunks of the genome of mice without it making any discernable difference to the animals.” (via Diepunyhumans)
Fortune-artikkeli Aubrey de Greystä
"Suppose you're a scientist 200 years ago who has figured out how to drastically lower infant mortality with better hygiene," he says. "You give a talk on this, and someone stands up in back and says, 'Hang on, if we do that we're going to have a population explosion!' If you reply, 'No, everything will be fine because we'll all wear these absurd rubber things when we have sex,' nobody would have taken you seriously. Yet that's just what happened—barrier contraception was widely adopted" about the time that infant mortality began dropping.
Thirty Essential Nanotechnology Studies – Kolmekymmentä tutkimusta nanoteknologiasta, jotka ovat vielä tekemättä.
"Then he performed one final analysis: The Gross National Product of EverQuest, measured by how much wealth all the players together created in a single year inside the game. It turned out to be $2,266 U.S. per capita. By World Bank rankings, that made EverQuest richer than India, Bulgaria, or China, and nearly as wealthy as Russia. It was the seventy-seventh richest country in the world. And it didn't even exist." (via Scattershot)
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