The Scientific Conquest of Death – Esseitä rajoittamattomista elinkaarista. Immortality Instituten ensimmäinen kirja on saatavilla suoraan instituutista tai Amazonista, elektronisena kirjana tai print-on-demandina.
Kirjoittajina mm. Aubrey de Grey, Michael Rose, Robert A. Freitas, Ray Kurzweil, Marvin Minsky, Brian Wowk, Max More, Ben Best, Nick Bostrom… ja monia, monia muita. Alkupalaksi voi lukea Robert Freitasin esseen Nanomedicine, Natural Death, and the Quest for Accident-Limited Healthspans.
Muista myös James Hughesin kirja Citizen Cyborg:
"It seems every good science fiction universe features a bar full of humans and aliens in some distant spaceport. Sometimes the patrons of the bar are just barely tolerant of one another, and sometimes they are relaxed in their bizarre diversity. The scene appeals to us because we long for social spaces where people with wheels, and people who breathe ammonia and people with tentacles can all knock back their poison of choice, where everybody knows your name even if it's an unpronounceable microwave glyph. That kind of solidarity with a diverse and exciting community of sociable minds was prefigured in the earliest writings of liberal democracy, it inspired the integrationist utopianism of the civil rights movement and it will be fulfillment of liberal democracy's promise when we are able to drink there. The transhumanists are the ones at the door welcoming everyone in, trying to break up fights, and bouncing those who just can't behave. The human-racists are the ones insisting that the bar is for humans only, and normal-looking humans at that."
Gradual Disempowerment: Simplified
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