Sukupuuttoon kuolevien bisnesten listalla ovat mm. levykaupat, homobaarit, sanomalehdet, kirjadivarit ja puhelinmyynti. Kannattaa keksiä jotain uutta selvitäkseen.
Your Outboard Brain Knows All
In fact, the line between where my memory leaves off and Google picks up is getting blurrier by the second. Often when I'm talking on the phone, I hit Wikipedia and search engines to explore the subject at hand, harnessing the results to buttress my arguments. My point is that the cyborg future is here. Almost without noticing it, we've outsourced important peripheral brain functions to the silicon around us.
Quid - Värikkäät, pyöreät muovikolikot ovat avaruuden rahayksikkö.
Gradual Disempowerment: Simplified
4 tuntia sitten
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