
Three Major Singularity Schools - Jos puhut teknologisesta singulariteetista, kerro ensin mitä singulariteettikoulukuntaa tarkoitat.

1. I.J. Goodin Singulariteetti (älykkyysräjähdys)
2. Ray Kurzweilin Singulariteetti (eksponentiaalinen kehityskäyrä)
3. Vernor Vingen Singulariteetti (tulevaisuusmallien hajoaminen)

Minä tarkoitan yleensä aina ykköstä, vaikka kolmonen onkin se alkuperäisin.

Singularity Summitin puhujien haastatteluvideoita. Myös transkriptit videoista. Audiotiedostot itse puheista. Suosittelen erityisesti Yudkowskyn puhetta The Challenge of Friendly AI (mp3).

SENS3-konferenssin puheet videotiedostoina.

Beyond a 'speed limit' on mutations, species risk extinction
-- magic number appears to be 6 mutations per genome per generation -- a level beyond which species run the strong risk of extinction as their genomes lose stability. -- In more complex organisms, cells have evolved correction systems to detect and fix errors in DNA replication. -- "As organisms become more complex, they have more to lose and can't be as radically experimental with their genomes as some viruses and bacteria."

"The movie has an underlying assumption that I just don't relate to: that people want a slave class. As I imagine the potential of engineering the human genome, I think, wouldn't it be nice if we could have 10 times the cognitive capabilities we do have? But people ask me whether I could engineer a stupid person to work as a servant. I've gotten letters from guys in prison asking me to engineer women they could keep in their cell. I don't see us, as a society, doing that."
- J. Craig Venter Blade Runnerista

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