Technology Review vetäisee oikein kunnolla metsään. Aubrey de Graytä haukutaan ”liikaa olutta juovaksi, risupartaiseksi trolliksi” jutussa Against Transcendence ja jutussa Do You Want to Live Forever? Aubrey saa niskaansa ”väärän messiaan” viitan. Kommenttiosastoilla artikkelien surkuhupaisat käsitykset saavatkin sitten ansaitsemansa huomion:
If you can't argue with de Grey's ideas, you shouldn't resort to insulting him personally. Some of these are just tasteless ("he is a troll"). Others aren't even insults ("he has no children"). Others are just false ("he has few interests outside of biogerontology"--besides his expertise in computer science and biogerontology, de Grey is an tournament player of the boardgame Othello).
Two roads. One is called "status quo", and leads to a "natural" hell of CERTAIN suffering and death. The other is called "progress", and while it too may lead to suffering and death, it could also lead to a technological heaven of eternal youth, beauty, and enhanced intelligence (among many other wonderful things). -- Oh dear, which road to take? Such a difficult choice (not!).
(People who haven't give this much thought tend to mouth "I don't wanna live forever" and then try to live as long as they can.)
What an unprofessional article! Completely unworthy of the technology review if you ask me - no attempt was made to present actual, attributed views of other biogerontologists, nor was any note made of the decades of debunking that every one of the pro-death arguments voiced in the piece has recieved. Not to mention the ad hominem attacks that have no place in a magazine that aspires to a level of quality discourse.
Betterhumansissa taas annetaan biokonservatiivi Wesley J. Smithille mahdollisuus arvioida James Hughesin kirjaa, kun James Hughes arvioi Smithin kirjaa. Olisipa hauska nähdä, että jokin biokonservatiivinen julkaisu antaisi samalla reiluudella puheenvuoron molemmille osapuolille, mutta epäilen hieman, että heillä on omat syynsä pitää eriävät mielipiteet poissa lukijoiden näkyvistä. Sama juttu kuin ateistien ja uskovaisten välisessä keskustelussa: ateistit kyllä antavat uskovaistenkin mielipiteille tilaa hyvää hyvyyttään, mutta uskovaiset lakaisevat kyselijät piiloon ja viheltävät, että älkää kiinnittäkö huomiota verhon takana seisovaan mieheen. Sillä on vielä niin pitkä partakin.
I'll repeat something I heard Mr. Hughes say at a U of T debate, some time ago: "And what precisely is the ideal proportion of Down's syndrome in society?"
Look, if you guys don't want the extra 100 years, the 1000 pt IQ, and the ten hour orgasms because it violates your sanctity or whatever then don't choose those options.
Gradual Disempowerment: Simplified
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