
Ilmoitus ja muistilinkkejä

Kiinnostaako kryoniikan edistäminen Suomessa? Helsingissä järjestetään pienimuotoinen tapaaminen lauantaina 20.9. klo 14:00 Alexandriassa huoneessa 333. Merkkaa kalenteriin.

Landmark study reports breakdown in biotech patent system
The report finds that a fixation on patents and privately-controlled research has frequently given rise to controversy and roadblocks to innovation. Recent examples include: the $612 million patent suit that almost shut down the world's Blackberries; Myriad Genetics' inability to introduce its breast cancer screening test in Canada and Europe; a pharmaceutical industry with an increasingly bare medicine cabinet; an ongoing failure to deliver life-saving medications to developing countries.

Seeing through the skin
Skin vision is not uncommon in nature. Plants orient themselves to light, and some animals -- such as pit vipers, who use infrared vision, and reptiles, who possess skin sensors -- can "see" without the use of eyes. Skin vision in humans is likely a natural atavistic ability involving light-sensitive cells in our skin connected to neuro-machinery in the body and in the brain, explains Prof. Yaroslavsky.

How can we reduce the risk of human extinction?

Virsona - Tee itsestäsi virtuaalinen persoona.

1 kommentti:

Anonyymi kirjoitti...

Nyt sitä tulee ihan hukkaputkesta, vielä toisen osan verran. Eli vielä ehtii mukaan:


Huomenna näyttäisi tulevan Fahrenheit 9/11, mutta kuten aiemmin mainittu, se ei ole katsomisen arvoinen.

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