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23andMe Pregnancy Community - Nettiyhteisö tuoreille äideille yhdistettynä henkilökohtaiseen genomitestiin on voittava yhdistelmä.

Polypill 'could become a reality' - Five-in-one yli 55-vuotiaiden sydämen parhaaksi.

Wrong Tomorrow - Seuratkaamme kenen tulevaisuusennusteet osuvat oikeaan.

A *really* green and sustainable humanity - Kuusi miljardia metsästäjä-keräilijää tarvitsisi 85 maapalloa.
Maybe the most sustainable thing we could do would be to aim at a future ensconced in cold datacenters under the subtropical deserts of Earth. Humanity would largely look like a forest of quiet semiconductor trees. We would indeed have become plants. -- I personally think that this sketch of a post-biological vegetable humanity is one of the most positive possibilities for our future. I think, once the technology is around, it will attract people voluntarily (after all, it gives the chance for immortality, any conceivable lifestyle *and* is green). It is sustainable, since it would use a minuscule amount of resources, energy and area to keep mankind running and would not need great material flows. Just running on renewable energy it could easily last until the sun starts to act up. It is also able to protect itself and the environment from unforeseen threats: going virtual does not mean we completely abandon the physical world (we would be keeping telepresence bodies around for tourism, repair and science - as well as a few small colonies of holdouts of Homo sapiens just in case).

2 kommenttia:

Anonyymi kirjoitti...

"I personally think that this sketch of a post-biological vegetable humanity is one of the most positive possibilities for our future. "

:-D reps

Mikko kirjoitti...

Tuollainen Wrong Tomorrow pitäisi tehdä myös Suomeen.