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Overcoming Bias -blogista muistiin Eliezer post dependencies ja Eliezer OB Posts - Eliezer Yudkowskyn tulevan rationaalisuuskirjan materiaali sekä muut blogimerkinnät ja niiden väliset riippuvuussuhteet.

Bloggingheads Science Saturday: Singularity Edition - Yudkowskyn videohaastattelu, jossa haastattelija jankuttaa hieman liikaa.

Paul Bunyan and the Spambot - Hauska tarina.

Meet the real bionic woman - the mother who has had almost all her joints replaced

World's first commercial bionic hand - Touch Bionicsin i-LIMB Hand voittaa palkinnon.

'Skin-tenna' wireless signals creep over human skin - Signaalit ryömivät pitkin ihoa.

Paralympics 2.0 - Andy Miah
In any case, as I intimated earlier, deciding whether Pistorius should compete as an Olympian or a Paralympian is not just a problem of apples and oranges. Rather, exposing the injustice of segregation should be our primary moral concern and its significance far exceeds that of ensuring fairness to able-bodied athletes. The question we should be asking is not whether Paralympians should compete at the Olympics, but why they are separate in the first place.

Ruotsin vasemmistopuolue vaatii tiedostojen jakamisen laillistamista.

The Future of Copyright - Rasmus Fleischer Piratbyrånista.
Computers operate by copying. They couldn’t care less whether the physical distance between original and copy is measured in micrometers or in miles; both work equally well for them. Copyright law, on the other hand, must somehow draw a line between use and distribution. That means putting an imaginary grid over the chaotic myriad of network nodes, delineating clusters of devices that can be attributed to individuals or households. Whatever happens inside such a cluster is defined as private use, while any trespassing of these borders is potentially criminal. But what can this strict division between private and public mean to someone with 400 “friends” on Facebook?

King of the hypermilers
If people could see how much fuel they guzzled while driving, Wayne believes they'd quickly learn to drive more efficiently. "If the epa would mandate fcds in every car, this country would save 20 percent on fuel overnight," he says. "They're not expensive for the manufacturers to put in—10 to 20 bucks—and it would save more fuel than all the laws passed in the last 25 years. All from a simple display."

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