Uusin Neofiles on ilmestynyt!
Max More: Transhumanist Mainman - Extropy Instituten perustajan erinomaisen asiallinen haastattelu. Nyt paljastui sekin, että myös Max oli ihastunut Marvel-sarjakuviin nuorempana.
In the end, a crucial point is that extropian transhumanists see political and economic institutions as means to the progress of (trans)humanity. Dogmatic adherence to any specific political doctrine in the face of our evolving understanding is willfully stupid. It’s equally stupid for other transhumanists to attempt to pigeonhole extropian transhumanists as all being cut from the same political cloth. When you see them doing this, look for the hidden agenda. It’s not hard to find. Kind of like how our cats think we can’t see them when they stick their heads under the blanket, while they wave their tails in plain sight.
Players – Pat Kane kertoo leikkietiikasta työetiikan korvaajana.
My hope is that the book will allow a discussion about how to get beyond work as the defining concept of a purposeful, productive and creative life. If “player” becomes an optional identity for the mainstream of people in information societies over the next few years, then I hope to be able to enrich and support the networks that will be needed for this to happen. It’s my identity now, and it’s great to have come to this kind of realization about yourself, at the ripe old age of forty. Better late than never.
Superlithos – suurenmoisen mahtipontisia motivaatiojulisteita, joissa esiintyy supersankareita (via HULK’S DIARY). Punisher-juliste loistaa:
To fight when others fold, pursue while others retreat, conquer while others quit, and make right when all else is wrong.
Gradual Disempowerment: Simplified
3 tuntia sitten
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