The Power of Intelligence
In the beginning, the Squishy Things had no fighter jets, no machine guns, no rifles, no swords. No bronze, no iron. No hammers, no anvils, no tongs, no smithies, no mines. All the Squishy Things had were squishy fingers - too weak to break a tree, let alone a mountain. Clearly not dangerous. To cut stone you would need steel, and the Squishy Things couldn’t excrete steel. In the environment there were no steel blades for Squishy fingers to pick up. Their bodies could not generate temperatures anywhere near hot enough to melt metal. The whole scenario was obviously absurd.
Researchers Dream of Humanizing Androids - Anybots Dexter ja Monty ja Flexible Spine Humanoid Project
"I want everyone to know how you can play in this arena on low budget, and build something more than a toy," Miller said. "My efforts are all at least 4 feet tall, have lots of room for more goodies and playful expansion, and can be built for a few hundred dollars."
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Top 10 Transhumanist Technologies - Yksi versio asioiden tärkeysjärjestyksestä.
10. Kryoniikka
9. Virtuaalitodellisuus
8. Geenimuuntelu
7. Avaruuden asutus
6. Kyborgit
5. Itsestään replikoituvat robotit
4. Vahva nanoteknologia
3. Megastruktuurit
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1. Tekoäly
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1 kommentti:
Mielenkiintoinen (mutta osin epätotuudenmukainen) yhteiskuntadokumentti peliteorian soveltamisesta, psykologian kehittymisestä yms.:
The Trap: Episode One (Adam Curtis, BBC)
"The computers were telling us, time after time, that close to 50% of the population were mentally ill."
The Trap: Episode Two (Adam Curtis, BBC)
The Trap - Episode Three (pt1of3) - Adam Curtis, BBC
The Trap - Episode Three (pt2of3) - Adam Curtis, BBC
The Trap - Episode Three (pt3of3) - Adam Curtis, BBC
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Tekijänoikeussuojaa on viimein alettu analysoida tieteellisesti:
"Optimaalinen tekijänoikeussuojan pituus 14 vuotta":
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Minullekin kelpaisi tuollainen kamera. 25OO e:n hinta vain on "aika" paha. Paljonkohan siinä on ilmaa, kun valtiolle myyvät?
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